
Friday, 11 November 2011

Give anything but I won't give up!

Autumn has finally arrived and streets are full of season's outfits. Velvet, leather skirts, roll neck - that is what we ear this autumn. It's easy when you know how to style it. In today's post I want to show you my version of men's trend. Pictures below were taken few weeks ago when the weather let me go out like that. Now I swap the blazer for a coat.

Jesien juz dawno do nas zawitala, a ulice sa pelne sezonowych outfitow. Aksamit, skorzane spodnice, golfy - to jest to co teraz sie nosi.Jeszcze prosciej jest, jak wie sie jak i z czym to zestawic. W dzisiejszym poscie, chce Wam pokazac moja wersje "meskiego" trendu. Zdjecia te zostaly zrobione kilka tygodniu, kiedy jeszcze pogoda pozwalala na wyjscia bez uzycia czegos grubszego. Teraz tylko zamienilam marynatke na plaszcz.

Shirt: Cubus, Blazer: Zara, Shorts: Levis, Boots: Sam Edelman


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