
Saturday, 29 September 2012

Back to black

Last night, I went out to celebrate my friend's birthday and this is the outfit I chose for the occasion. I wasn't sure if peplum top and some sort of joggers, will go nicely together but all of sudden the final result suprised me. Maybe, it is not this kind of outfit, I will wear a lot, but sometimes it is nice to take a break from my beloved jeans. Let me know your thoughts about this outfit.
Have a nice weekend!

Ostatniej nocy wybralam sie do restauracji z okazji urodzin mojej przyjaciolki i dzisiaj chcialam Wam pokazac stroj, ktory mialam na sobie. W zyciu bym nie pomyslala, ze top z baskinka i joggersy beda ze soba wspolgrac, ale koncowy rezultat pozytywnie mnie zaskoczyl. Nie jest to moze outfit, ktory beda czesto nosic, ale czasami warto zrobic sobie przerwe od dzinsow i zalozyc cos innego. Dajcie mi znac co Wy myslicie o tym stroju, a tymczasem zycze Wam milego weekendu.

 Peplum top: Topshop, Pants: Zara, Bag: Zara, Heels: Asos, Braclets: Forever21, SWAG

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Mind the flowers.

This outfit is made of things I recently bought and I am totally obssesed with.

Blazer: Topshop, Top: H&M, Shorts: Topshop, Heels: Zara, Sunnies: Ray Ban