
Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Sun is up.

On sunny days I always opt for dresses. The striped one I got last month from Topshop is so far my favorite one. I wore it at the weekend and I need to say it feels really good on. I have tied up my hair back in a bun to keep it off my face and show off the little cut out at the front. Black wedges and round sunglasses are the perfect complement to the dress.

W sloneczne dni staram sie nosic sukienki. Ta w paski kupiona w zeszlym miesiacu, jest moja ulubiona. Mialam ja na sobie w zeszly weekend i musze przyznac, ze czuje sie w niej znakomicie. Wlosy spielam w kok, zeby podkreslic male wyciecie z przodu, ktore jest idealne. Czarne koturny i okragle okulary stanowia doskonale uzupelnienie do sukienki.

Dress: Topshop, Sunnies: H&M, Wedges: River Island

Sunday, 27 May 2012

All that counts is here and now!

Dress: Topshop, Sunnies: H&M, Sandals: Zara

Monday, 21 May 2012

If it's worth having, it's worth fighting for!

Hey guys! What do you think of my pink creepers? I think they are awesome! I weren't big fan of creepers, but everything changed when I saw those beauties. They make you look feminine and add  sort of a grunge spirit into your outfit. Hope you like the whole look.

Czesc Wam! Co myslicie o moich rozowych creepersach? Ja mysle, ze sa cudowne!Wczesniej nie bylam ich wielka fanka, ale wszystko sie zmienilo gdy zobaczylam te. Powoduja, ze nadal sie wyglada kobieco a zarazme dodaja troche grunge do calego stroju. Mam nadzieje, ze dzisiejszy zestaw Wam sie spodoba.

Jacket: Vintage, Top: Topshop, Jeans: Topshop, Shoes: H&M, Sunnies: H&M, Necklace: Forever 21, Braclets: Topshop

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Step into spring

Shirt, jeans, boots, earrings, bracelet: Topshop