today's post I want to tell you what happened to me last Saturday! You
cannot belive me, but I bumped into Sienna Miller! Yes, Sienna Miller!! I
was on my way to see some friends and decided to get myself a cup of
tea. I just popped in a random coffe shop and she was there! The first
thing what caught my eyes was her
bag then her amazing
Chloe boots. I lifted my head to ensure myself that it's her
it was her. Sienna Miller. She has been my fashion icon since I
remember and now I was able to stand next to her! How cool was that?!
She is so skinny and really stunning! Seeing her dafinetely made my day!
pochwale Wam sie pewnym zdarzeniem, ktore mialo miejsce ostatniej
soboty. Otoz, szlam na spotkanie ze znajomymi, a jako ze jestem
strasznym herbatoholikiem, postanowilam wstapic do najblizszej kawiarni z
zamiarem kupna kolejnej herbaty:) Otwieram drzwi, patrze a tam stoi
Sienna Miller! Tak, Sienna Miller!! Pierwsza rzecza, jaka padla w miej
oczy byla jej
torba oraz cudowne
botki Chloe.
Podnioslam glowe, aby na 100% upewnic, ze to ona i to byla ona. Sienna
jest moja ikona mody odkad tylko pamietam i teraz mialam mozliwosc stac
tuz obok niej! Wygladala jak zwykle przepieknie, a figure ma godna
Bluzka/Blouse: Zara
Shorts: Abercrombie & Fitch
Torba/Bag: Accessorize
Chustka/Shawl: Alexander McQueen
Baletki/Flats: Chanel
Okulary/Sunnies: Marc Jacobs